The Prophet (PBUH) prohibited the Umrah from doing Evil and Hypocrisy.
حضوررسالتمآبﷺ نے اُمت کو ریاکاری اور اعمالِ بد سے منع فرمایا۔
The leader of the Prophets, Muhammad (PBUH) said that he is least worried about his nation going down the path of the ancient nations and getting involved in the blasphemous practices against the code of Oneness of God. He asserted that his nation is not going to worship the sun, the moon, the stars, the fire or idols. He said that he was not worried about this kind of heresy on the part of his nation. He was asked, “O Prophet of God (PBUH) what do you anticipate then?” In response he detailed different things. Once he said that he is afraid that the nation might implicate itself in the covert violation of the code of Oneness of God. When asked what kind of covert violation it is going to be, he said that following your fetishes and pretentious righteousness are covert transgressions against the code of Oneness of God.