صاحبزادہ سلطان احمد علی صاحب ترکی میں عثمان خان غازی (سلطنت عثمانیہ کا پہلا بادشاہ) کے مزار پر حاضری کے دوران گفتگو فرماتے ہوئے۔
Osman Gazi (Ottoman Turkish: عثمان غازى, died 1323/4), sometimes transliterated archaically as Othman, was the leader of the Ottoman Turks and the founder of the Ottoman dynasty. He and the dynasty bearing his name later established and ruled the nascent Ottoman Empire (then known as the Ottoman Beylik or Emirate).
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#OsmanKhanGazi #OsmanKhan #kurulusosman #OttomanEmpire #OttomanTurks #Ottoman #Turks #Dynasty #Ottomandynasty #عثمان #Osman #Ertugrul #DirilişErtuğrul #OsmanGazi #OttomanBeylik #OttomanEmirate #SultanAhmadAli #SultanBahoo #Islaheejamaat #Islam #IslamicRevolution #Revolution #IslamicEmpire #Bursa #Turkey #KurulusOsman Rise of the Ottoman Empire (سلطنت عثمانیہ کا عروج) Kurulus Osman