Call for #prayer has generally been assimilated in the #romantic idiom of poetry. For instance there is a well known verse: “I hear call for prayer in the #dead of #night, Oh the wretched got to remember God at a most unsuitable hour!” So, this type of #poetry takes call for prayer in a certain way. On the other hand, Iqbal has not limited call for prayer to the clergy; Iqbal has established its relevance to the revolution brewing in the body #politic of the #nations. Therefore Iqbal says, “Do you know the origin of the #morning that illuminates both present and future and makes the being of #night tremble? It is brought to #life by the call for prayer voiced out by the #true believer.” Therefore #Iqbal has linked the #call for #prayer to the ferment of #revolution.
علامہ اقبالؒ نے شاعری میں “آذان” کی نئی اصطلاح پیش کی۔