Listen to my plea, O master of masters! to whom should I submit my plea to Hoo...
Abyat i Bahoo ابیات باھو ਅਬਿਯਾਤੇ ਬਾਹੂ
Hoo is in inner and Hoo in outer it scalds with every breath Hoo Hoo’s scare, is...
There isn’t any place for intellect and thoughts where is sirr (secret) of glorious one Hoo There...
Ever since the day I am at your door I have perfected my prostration Hoo Isacrificed there...
If (deen) faith were within knowledge, then why heads on lances would be impaled Hoo Eighteen thousands...
Actual ardent lover is such who acknowledges killing by beloved Hoo Never abandons ardent love neither he...
O moon, rise and illuminate with your radiant, engaged in your remembrance are stars Hoo The traders...
عشق ماہی دے لایاں اگیں انہاں لگیاں کون بجھاوے ھُو میں کی جاناں ذات عشق دی کہئے...
دل دریا سمندروں ڈونگے کون دلاں دیاں جانے ھُو وچے بیڑے وچے جھیڑے وچے ونجھ موھانے ھُو...
Being an ardent lover foster your ardent love and your heart like mountain you retain Hoo Hundreds...