The religion of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet PBUH.
[ Explained By: His Excellency Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali Sb ]
In annual Melad e Mustafa SAWW & Haq Bahoo Conference, organized by Islahee Jamaat & Aalmi Tanzeem ul Arifeen, at Bhakkar on 22nd January 2014.
Complete Speech Video Link:
Talbees-e-Shaitan , Gaali Or Naap Tol Main Kami [ By: Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali Sb ]
#SelfAccountability #Omar #Umar #SultanAhmadAli #MeladeMustafa #HaqBahoo #SultanBahoo #Conference #Congregation #IslaheeJamaat #AlArifeen #Bhakkar #January2014